What to Do if Your Dog is Lost or Missing

There are few things more nerve-wracking than realizing that your dog is missing. Your dog is a member of your family, so imagining them out there lost without your support, love, and care is naturally heartbreaking. The important thing is not to panic. Instead, spring into action now so that you can bring your loved one home. Following are some tips that you should follow if you find out that your pooch is missing.

Alert your dog’s microchip registry.

If your dog has a microchip, immediately let the registry managing that microchip know that he’s missing. These days, most people who find animals know to immediately look for a microchip. Once they take the dog to a vet or animal shelter, those places will scan the chip, and the registry will be notified. The registry will have your contact information stored, and it will give it to the vet or animal shelter. Make sure that you always update your latest contact information in the database so that you can be reached. And if your dog doesn’t have a microchip, immediately get one for him when you find him.

Sound the alarm on social media.

Social media is one of the best and most immediate ways people find their lost pets nowadays.

Many communities have “lost pet” boards and forums on social media sites and apps. They’re on Facebook, Next Door, Instagram, and many other types of social media apps. Find the ones in your area and immediately put up a post about your missing dog. Post his picture, indicate where your dog was lost, and give the groups your contact info. People frequently post pictures of “found” dogs, so posting your dog’s pic helps everyone keep an eye out.

Get your search tools together.

Before you run out the door to begin your search, collect the tools that could make things easier for you. Put together a few fliers, or at least have a picture of your dog on your phone so that you can show it to people along the way. Bring a flashlight in case you will be looking late into the evening so that you can peer into bushes and dark spaces. Bring your dog’s favorite squeaky toy, whistle, or whatever sounds they associate with home. They will run towards it if they hear it. You’ll also want to bring a strong-smelling treat that your dog loves so that they can find their way back to you.

Figure out how they escaped.

Dogs escape for different reasons. Sometimes they chase after other dogs. Sometimes they leave simply because someone left the gate open. Figuring out why they left can help you figure out where to look. You may be able to determine if they simply went on a merry jaunt or if they escaped to hide from something.

Search your neighborhood.

Search everywhere that you go in your neighborhood with your dog. This means the dog run, the local park, neighbors’ dogs’ homes, and any other places you can think of. Call out his name as you go to these areas, and make sure that someone stays at home in case your dog returns. Put up flyers everywhere you can so that people are aware.

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At Direct Animal, we design and deliver high-quality veterinary equipment that makes it easy to care for animals both at home and in professional settings. From professional dog kennels to other types of animal cages to dog grooming equipment, we help provide you with what you need to care for your furry – or furless – clients. Call us at 877-459-7827 for a free consultation.

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